NASBS Session Layout Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) Session You are Assigned To:(Required) How many moderators will you have for the session?(Required)How many speakers will you have for the session?(Required) Who will be assigning individual speaker talk titles?(Required) I will leave speaker talk titles up to the moderator of the session. I will choose individual talk titles for speakers. Write a purpose for the session. Please note that this will be included in faculty invitation letters for any attendees that are invited to the session that you are working on.(Required)Example: The Expert Debate (ED) sessions will be key centerpieces of the NASBS 2017 Meeting. Come see experts debate various topics and justify their management of cases presented to them. This year’s debate session topics are purposely broad, designed to cover as much information under the debate topic as possible, yet allow controversy. Write the logistics for the session. Please note that this will be included in faculty invitation letters for any attendees that are invited to the session that you are working on.(Required)Example: Each debate session will last 45 mns and consist of a panel of 8 experts guided by 3 moderators. Moderator 1 is the lead moderator within the session. Moderators will be tasked with compiling 1-3 cases each in slide format relevant to the debate topic chosen to illustrate particularly controversial issues likely to stimulate maximal discussion among the panelists. Each Moderator will take the stage for 15 mns. Panelists do not have to prepare cases or a lecture. The roster of panelists has been carefully chosen in order to fuel a lively discourse of each controversial and/or complicated case, with discussion guided and directed by the moderators. In each session, moderators will introduce a case, then ask at various points for the opinion of the panelists, being sure to engage them all and also keep the discussion moving. Input from the audience is encouraged. Moderators will be asked to ensure that the session flows smoothly from case to case. Each case will be discussed for about 5-15 minutes, depending on its complexity.Please list potential session titles.(Required)