Program Description:
- Institutions may be eligible if they have a ‘team’ of at least four Active or International NASBS members as follows:
- One otolaryngologist, rhinologist, head and neck surgeon, or otologist/neuro-otologist;
- One neurosurgeon
- Two physicians in NASBS ‘non-core’ specialties such as ophthalmology, radiology/neuroradiology, radiation oncology, oral maxillo-facial surgery, surgical oncology (board certified in General Surgery), plastic/reconstructive surgery, endocrinology, pathology, neurology, or medical oncology. The two non-core members may be from different specialties (example: one plastic surgeon and one pathologist) or the same specialties (two plastic surgeons)
- Candidate and Affiliate members are not eligible to be counted towards the team of four. Medical subspecialty is determined by board certification or eligibility as defined by the American Board of Medical Specialties.
- An institution could have multiple teams if there is a significant rationale (such as a University with multiple locations), but no individual team member may be counted towards multiple teams.
- All team members must be in ‘good standing’ (dues paid in full).
- All physicians joining NASBS as part of the MTD would still need to meet all requirements for membership and follow the normal new member application process and review time-table.
- If an institution has a team member with a pending membership application, they may submit an MTD application that includes the pending member. The MTD application would then be approved by the Membership Committee and the institution posted to the MTD listing after the new member has been approved and paid the inaugural dues.
- After Team approval, the institution will be provided with materials (logo and approved language) for use in announcements or postings about the designation. Any alternate language must be approved in writing by NASBS prior to use.
- After Team approval, the Team may be expanded to include additional Team members over and above the four members who are used to determine/maintain eligibility.
- If a team member leaves an institution or discontinues Active or International membership in the Society during the year, the institution should notify NASBS. The posting may remain active until reviewed by staff for continued eligibility (upon notification), and deemed no longer eligible.
- If an Institution’s MTD application contains NASBS Candidate members who will be upgrading to Active or International membership status during the year, the application will be considered pending until the Candidate members have upgraded their membership and paid dues if applicable.