The NASBS 32nd Annual Meeting will be held February 17-19, 2023 at the JW Marriott Tampa Water Street in Tampa, Florida. Once again the meeting will feature the exciting Skull Base Jeopardy session! NASBS Members can sign up their teams and we strongly encourage multidisciplinary teams with at least one trainee included. Skull Base Jeopardy teams will be comprised of three (3) members and all team members must be registered to attend the Annual Meeting. Team submissions will be accepted through December 16th. From the submissions, the NASBS Scientific Program Committee will select the final teams to compete at the Annual Meeting and further instructions regarding participation at the session will be sent.
Bring your best Skull Base knowledge and compete in Skull Base Jeopardy at the NASBS Annual Meeting!
Deadline to sign up: Friday, December 23rd
If there are any questions regarding the activity, please contact Stephanie Hige at the NASBS office.
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